‘I am a recovery addict, 29 Female. I have been at Angels since December 2018 and I will be celebrating my 1 year clean and sober landmark next week Saturday 28 September 2019. I have never been to any Rehab, this is my first time in secondary care and working a program. I cleaned up in the rooms and through Carmen and Bianca at Angels.
I picked up my first drug at the age of 16 when I dropped out of school got clean for a month or 4 and at the age of 21 my drug problem progressed after my parents got divorced. I moved around a lot, every where I went I picked up. Lost a few jobs cause of stealing money for drugs. The time I didn’t have work I sold my body for drugs. By this time I was confused about myself and myself worth and had no voice, couldn’t identify my emotions and unsure who I am so I tried to be a lesbian stayed with an abusive girl for 1 year and then moved out. Then I moved into a friends house that also used, ended up having a relationship with him and also abusing me. Got pregnant and end up having a abortion.
My drug abuse even more so bad that I tried to commit suicide more than once.
After that I manage to stay clean for 3 years by the help of my High Power and a very good friend of mine.
I ended up relapsing last year 27 September 2018 because of old pattens and behaviour problems didn’t have any hope left in my life.
When I got to Angels, Carmen and Bianca took me under their wings. With the help of them I learned the tools how to stay clean. I learned how to voice what I feel and to notice what I feel. I couldn’t even make eye contact, today I can. The thing that I am most grateful for is they gave me my hope back to live and with the help of them and the people in the house I get to know myself and my self worth.
And the fact that it is a ladies house, I really feel at all time safe.
Today I help other addicts to stay clean. Because I can only keep what I have by giving it away.”